Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another Busy Weekend...

...the summers seems to fly by for us, partially because they are usually already planned. Mother's Day and Memorial Day in May, with an occasional graduation thrown in, Father's Day and three family birthdays in June, two more family birthdays in July along with Independence Day, another birthday in August all rounded out with Labor Day. This weekend no exception. Busy, but OH SO FUN!

We got a head start on the weekend by leaving town mid-afternoon on Friday. Saturday morning, my mom, Grandma, Greg and I went over to the cemetery to clean up and place flowers on the graves of my Grandpa Ed and his parents. It was the first time I had been there since the funeral (actually I tried to find it once and got lost). We left some very happy daisies there. Then we went down the road a bit to this great diner for a nice hearty breakfast. Unfortunately, I didn't save room for one of their fantastic pies! That night Greg and I went over to a very mini eleven year high school reunion for my class. Yes, 11 years...we didn't get our act together last year to organize something. Jill, who was one of my best friends in high school had it at her house out in the country. I got to meet her husband and her step daughters as well as their menagerie of pets. She has the most adorable stepdaughters who were excited to entertain us and show us around. I'm so excited for her to have such a beautiful home and such a loving family. Marie also came and it was wonderful to see her as well. Marie and I were in a lot of art classes together back in the day and it seemed like she was always reading "good stuff" so I was excited to catch up with her too. She has just finished her Master's degree and will be starting on her Doctorate! So it was the three of us girls, which is why I said a "very mini reunion". I am in the black crochet sweater, Jill is in the middle, and Marie is on the right in the second picture from the top.We're talking about getting together again, and I would really love that. Besides getting to catch up with some really wonderful people, the reunion was a kind of "aha!" moment for me. It was a reminder to me of all the people who've been in my life...some only briefly, others forever...all of whom have had an influence on me. And for that I am grateful. It also reiterated to me that happiness is so important and so often taken for granted. Jill and Marie and I have all found happiness in different things and that was a reminder to me that happiness is what you make of it. Only you can define what makes you happy and only you can ultimately control that happiness.

Interesting perspectives 11 years later, especially in light of the other activity from this weekend: my youngest cousin's graduation from high school! Congratulations, Melissa! We celebrated with a nice dinner among family and friends at a fantastic Italian restaurant. I think you can pick out the grad in these pics. My aunt is in the turquoise with Melissa, I'm in the black cardigan set, my mom is in the black with red and orange, my grandma is on the other side of my mom and my other cousin Emily is in the denim jacket. I am so proud of both of those girls. In some ways they are like sisters to me. I babysat for them growing up, and our family is close-knit. I remember my mom reminding me that as the older cousin I should be careful of the example I lead because they would look up to me. Well, it's safe to say that I look up to each of them, too! They are smart, funny, beautiful, motivated, well-adjusted...the list goes on and on!

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

sounds like you had one great weekend! Those pics are great Michelle! hugs