Thursday, September 11, 2008

...Lead to this...

As you can see, the hail ended up not ruining my garden in the end! Hurray! I was so excited to see how my garden filled in, and except for some planting at the beginning of summer, and good waterings throughout, it was pretty maintenance free! It has taken five years for the perennials to fill in like they have, and now I have things in bloom all season. I have really enjoyed this little flower bed, and look forward to the day when we have our own house with a yard (which equates to a much bigger canvas) to build a garden we can permanently enjoy. It's getting to be that time of year when you don't know how much longer these flowers will last, so I thought I would share them with you.


Bonita Rose said...

Your flowers are simply beautiful... so beautiful.. yeap enjoy them while u can.. just think u cud be like me, up in Fargo.. I hear our winters here are even longer!! LOL

Suzy said...

Well I was bale to see your bounty in person and it was awesome! Good job chick!