Thursday, September 11, 2008

All of this....

This is what I started with this year (back in May). When I was growing up, my mom and I planted flowers on Mother's Day weekend. So, around that time in May is when I start keeping an eye on the weather to gauge exactly when I can start planting. As you can see, I waited long hostas and irises and lilies were already going to town. So, one fine afternoon I set out to the garden stores and filled up my basket with all kinds of lovely things (also shown above). Went home and spent about six hours planting, weeding, transplanting, mulching, and watering. About an hour after I got done, a huge storm blew threw town, dumping hail on my flower bed and just shredding all my plants. Needless to say I was pretty sad that all by efforts had been for nothing. Of course, it was still early in the season, and they did just fine...

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